

 2020-10-12 17:08:19  来源:广东省工业设计协会  次浏览

01 项目概况

Project Overview

图表 1 项目区位图1

Figure 1 Site Location 1

图表 2 项目区位图2

Figure 2 Site Location 2

图表 3 项目现状

Figure 3 Current Condition

图表 4 香蜜湖片区山海绿轴示意图

Figure 4 Diagram of the Mountain-Sea Sight Corridor of the Xiangmihu Area

02 主要设计内容

Competition Design Content



The final design content is subject to the Competition Document.

图表 5 项目设计范围示意图

Figure 5 Design Scope Diagram

03 竞赛程序

Competition Process

04 竞赛奖金

Competition Prize

05 合同内容

Contract Content


If the scheme that wins the first prize in the project is confirmed by the Host as meeting the implementation requirements, the winner will be awarded the Schematic Design and Architectural and Landscape Design Development Contract.


The final work content is subject to the Competition Document and the design contract.

06 合同金额

Contract amount


The total contract price for schematic design and architecture & landscape design development is RMB38.35 million tentatively.

(1) 改革馆方案设计及建筑及其用地范围内景观专业初步设计费固定单价报价上限为 400元/平方米,总价暂定为 3600万元(总建筑面积暂定90000平方米×固定单价报价上限400元/平方米)。

(2) 公共城市公园景观方案设计及初步设计费固定单价报价上限为 50元/平方米,总价暂定为235万元(总景观绿化面积暂定47000平方米×固定单价报价上限50元/平方米)。


The final contract settlement amount is subject to GFA approved by the relevant development and reform authorities for cost estimation x quotation from the contract awardee (unit price).

07 竞赛日程

Competition agenda

注:1. 所有时间均以北京时间为准,主办方保留调整日程安排的权利。

Note: 1. All time is subject to Beijing time. The Organizer reserves the right to adjust the agenda.

08 资格预审报名条件

Prequalification Application Requirements

09 信息发布及文件下载

Competition Announcement and Downloading







咨询电话:+86-0755-83785155; +86-0755-83787822

The official platform for announcement, follow-up Q&A and addendum documents is the Shenzhen Construction Engineering Transaction Service website. Please download Competition Document at open solicitation stage at “Shenzhen Construction Project Transaction Service Network – Tender Announcement”:


The applicant can click the link:


to register the application information, or scan the following QR code registration information, then submit paper application documents to the designated place before the registration deadline.

As per management requirement of subsequent procedures of Shenzhen Construction Project Transaction Service System, the applicant (including the consortium leading member and members of consortium) is suggested to have online company information registration beforehand. Before the public notice on the expert review result of the open solicitation stage, all applicants need to timely carry out company information registration.

Shenzhen Construction Project Transaction Service Center Registration website:


Advisory Tel: +86-0755-83785155; +86-0755-83787822

10 特别提示

Special notice


All time is subject to Beijing time. The Host reserves the right to adjust the agenda. Since the schedule is quite tight for the open solicitation stage of this project, the applicant is suggested to organize the design team beforehand so as to prepare the work at the schematic design stage as soon as possible.

11 组织机构


主办方: 深圳市建筑工务署工程设计管理中心

竞赛协助方: 深圳市一和雅韵建筑咨询有限公司



Host: Engineering Design Management Center of Bureau of Public Works of Shenzhen Municipality

Assisted by: Shenzhen Ehow R & D Center

Shenzhen FuturePlus Investment Development Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Hebi Architecture Design Co., Ltd.


竞赛咨询邮箱: competition@ehow.net.cn

Contact information:

Competition advisory email: competition@ehow.net.cn

Advisory telephone: Miss Limmy,

+86-18566782232(Beijing Time, Monday through Friday 9:00—18:00)

电话:(020)83396560、(020)83197681 传真: (020)83197681 E-Mail: gdida@163.com 关于我们 | 版权声明 | 联系我们 | 广告服务

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